RES3 Why is developing a research synopsis crucial? Developing a thesis synopsis or proposal is usually the first step towards successful PhD thesis. A good thesis proposal can get you admitted in certain universities for your PhD program. In other cases, most universities have a thorough check of your synopsis in order to assess whether you are worthy of working on a specific research project. This implies that your research synopsis can be nothing less than perfect as per academic, linguistic and University-laid guidelines. Before you embark on your synopsis writing journey, you must have a clear understanding of key concepts, research plan, research design, previous research findings, and objective of the current research. Justified methods and study design should be decided upon for showcasing feasibility in research execution. A repertoire of relevant literature sources must be ready before you submit your synopsis to the university. The synopsis must be complete in all aspects and put to display your research skills, subject knowledge and writing abilities to pose you as the best candidate for taking forward the proposed research.