RAS01 Facial Recognition Using Opencv And Python On Raspberry Pi
RAS02 Climatic Data Acquisition Using Sensor Interfaced Raspberry System
RAS03 Gesture Controlled Assistive Device For Deaf, Dumb And Blind People Using Raspberry-Pi
RAS04 A Raspberry Pi Based Event Driven Quasi Real Time Attendance Tracker
RAS05 Raspberry Pi Based Intelligent Reader For Visually Impaired Persons
RAS06 Raspberry Pi As Visual Sensor Nodes In Precision Agriculture
RAS07 A Raspberry Pi Based Event Driven Quasi Real Time Attendance Tracker
RAS08 Automatic Identification Of Vehicle Plate Number Using Raspberry Pi
RAS09 Iris Movement Based Wheel Chair Control Using Raspberry Pi
RAS10 Automated Exterior Wall Painting Robot Using Raspberry Pi
RAS11 Android Based Wi-Fi Controlled Robot Using Raspberry Pi
RAS12 Braille Book Reader Using Raspberry Pi
RAS13 Secure Home Entry Using Raspberry Pi With Notification Via Telegram
RAS14 Real Time Vehicle Detection, Tracking And Counting Using Raspberry-Pi
RAS15 Green Leaf Disease Detection Using Raspberry Pi
RAS16 Automated Motion Detection Security System Notifier Using Raspberry Pi With Telegram
RAS17 Design And Implementation Of Advanced Automatic Driving System Using Raspberry Pi
RAS18 Face Recognition Door Lock System Using Raspberry Pi
RAS19 A Novel Strategy for Biometric Votingsystem
RAS20 Vehicle Theft Detector with Remote EngineLocking
RAS21 Mobile Alarm for gas leak Detection
RAS22 Smart Electronic Voting Machine Using Raspberry Pi with Face Recognition
RAS23 Raspberry Pi Based Driver Drowsiness Detection System Using Convolutional Neural Network _CNN_
RAS24 Climatic Data Acquisition using Sensor Interfaced Raspberry System
RAS25 Distributed generation monitoring a cost-effective Raspberry Pi-based device
RAS26 Monitoring Ripeness in Fruits and Vegetables Using the Raspberry Pi
RAS27 Gate Access Control using Face Mask Detection and Temperature
RAS28 Real-time object recognition using Raspberry Pi with Neural
RAS29 Drowsiness detection and alert system using Raspberry Pi
RAS30 Smart Irrigation System using IoT and cloud
RAS31 Traffic Light System using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV
RAS32 An intelligent baby monitoring system based on Raspberry PI, IoT sensors and convolutional neural network
RAS33 Water management system using Raspberry Pi
RAS34 Text and Label Reading using Raspberry Pi and OpenCV
RAS35 Path Following Robotic Car using ROS, Lidar with Raspberry pi
RAS36 Handwriting Recognition using raspberry pi
RAS37 Emotion Recognition system using raspberry pi
RAS38 Voice Assisted and Gesture Controlled Companion Robot
RAS39 24×7 Smart IoT based Integrated Home Security System
RAS40 Surveillance Camera using IoT and Raspberry Pi
RAS41 Vehicle Theft Tracking, Detecting And Locking System Using Open CV
RAS42 Image Text Reader for Visually Impaired in Desired Language